Invited Talk (2)



An SoC for Biomedical Wireless Sensor Network

  主講人: 呂學士 教授

  主持人: 陳良基 教授

88() 11:00~12:00

      點: 2F 宴會廳 




Shey-Shi Lu was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He received his B.S. degree, M.S. Degree, and Ph.D. Degree from National Taiwan University, Cornell University, and University of Minnesota, all in electrical engineering, in 1985, 1988, and 1991, respectively.

He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University in August of 1991 as an associated professor and was promoted to a full professor in 1995. His current research interests are in the areas of RFIC/MMIC’s , biomedical circuits and SOC for wireless sensor network.

Dr. Lu is a senior member of IEEE.




近來,無線感測網路(WSN)技術,可以放置小型無線感測器在廣大區域中之不同地點而進行測量,並將數百甚至數千個節點偵測到的資料,透過無線的方式傳輸到區域閘道(Local Gateway),再傳送到專家系統做處理或診斷。由於此種大量感應器節點構成的感測網路,使得本來只存在於幻想中的應用變成可能,因此受到高度矚目。再者,二戰後嬰兒潮出生的人們,紛紛屆退休年齡,世界上已開發國家漸漸進入老年化社會,為應付此種新型態社會的挑戰,無線生醫感測網路(WBSN)變成一個重要的研究課題。

從而本實驗室設計一符合無線生醫感測網路(Bio-Medical Wireless Sensor NetworkBMW-SN)特性之晶片系統,採自訂專用通訊協定,針對BMWSN最重要的課題「低功率消耗」進行最佳化,利用生醫訊號低頻、低資料傳輸量、周期性等性質,對感測點(Sensor Node)的動作進行註冊與時間的排程,最多能同時控制256個感測點,降低不必要的功率消耗、提高功率消耗的有效使用率,使感測點無需使用大體積電池,也能長時間監控。針對生醫資訊所需之高正確性,於協定中加入錯誤檢查之機制,降低生醫資訊在無線傳輸過程中可能發生的錯誤(>99%的正確性)。此一符合自訂BMWSN通訊協定。