報名由此進入(Please click the button to sign up)

查詢/更新報名資料,請由此登入(Inquiry/update infomation,please login)





構想書格式說明(Requirements for Thematic Proposal)

1. 紙張大小請以A4尺寸書寫(page format:A4 size for vertical writing.)。
設計構想書下載,構想書內容轉PDF上傳(Download the thematic proposal template and convert the thematic proposal to PDF for upload)。
3. A. 大學部B.研究所(Competition Category:Undergraduate group/Graduate group)
4. 檔案大小以不超過20M bytes為原則,以PDF電子檔案上傳。(The size of PDF file should not exceed 20MB for upload.)

報名應該注意事項(Please note as below:)

1. 報名日期自2024年5月27日(一)起至7月31日(三) (Online registration and submission:May 27,2024 to July 14,2024)。
2. 一律採線上報名方式。(Only for online registration.)
3. 前有符號的欄位,一定要輸入資料。(The fields marked with an asterisk(*) within the form are required.)
4. 報名後可至線上報名查詢網頁確認所上傳之資料,資料有誤可至報名資料更新網頁(The registration information can continue to be updated before deadline.)
5.若於報名後三日內未收到報名確認信件,請來信查詢(ex20375@mail.ee.nsysu.edu.tw)。(you'll receive the confirmation email after registration successful.If you don't receive the email in three days,please contact us.)